Bike T-Shirts Design Contest by Geeks'n'Gears Bicycle T-Shirts

Design contest

Submit your own bicycle-inspired t-shirt art and if we like it, you might win a 100$ gift card and eternal fame.


Design Contest: Pedal-Powered Creativity!

Are you a talented designer with a passion for bicycles? We invite you to participate in our Pedal-Powered Creativity Design Contest! Show off your original bicycle-themed t-shirt designs, and if your artwork catches our eye, not only will you win a $100 gift card to use on the Geeks'n'Gears website (, but your design will also be featured on actual t-shirts available in our store! So, saddle up and let your imagination ride free!

Contest Guidelines:

1. Theme:

The theme of this contest is bicycle-inspired t-shirt designs. Create an original design that captures the spirit of cycling, whether it's the joy of riding, the beauty of bicycles, or the sense of adventure they bring. Feel free to experiment with various styles, colors, and techniques to make your design truly stand out.

2. Submission Deadline: 

This is an ongoing contest. Submissions can be sent at any time.

3. Design Specifications:

  • Format: Submit your design in JPEG or PNG  format. No need to provide high resolution files at the moment, if your design is chosen, we'll arrange to get the files in print resolution (300 dpi) from you. (if you can't provide high resolution files, we won't print it on our t-shirts, sorry!) 
  • Dimensions: The design should fit within a printable area of 12 inches (width) by 16 inches (height).
  • Color Mode: Use RGB color mode for digital submissions.
  • Design Placement: Consider the placement of your design on the t-shirt (e.g., front, back, or both) to maximize its visual impact.
  • Description: Along with your design submission, please provide a brief description (maximum 100 words) explaining the inspiration and concept behind your design. This will help the judges understand the story and creative thought process behind your artwork.

4. Submission Process:

  • Email your design as an attachment to with the subject line "Pedal-Powered Creativity Design Contest Entry."
  • Include your full name, contact information, and a brief description of your design concept in the body of the email.

5. Eligibility:

  • This contest is open to designers of all skill levels, whether you're a professional artist or an enthusiastic hobbyist.
  • Each participant may submit up to three (5) unique designs for consideration.
  • By submitting your design, you confirm that it is your original artwork and does not infringe upon any copyright or intellectual property rights.

6. Selection Process:

  • Our team of judges will review all submissions and select the winning design based on creativity, originality, adherence to the theme, and visual appeal.
  • The selected design will not only win a $100 gift card but will also be featured on sellable t-shirts in our store, allowing you to showcase your talent to a wide audience of bicycle enthusiasts.

7. Prize:

The winner of the contest will receive a $100 gift card to be used on the Geeks'n'Gears website (, and their design will be featured and sold on t-shirts in the Geeks'n'Gears store. They will also be credited as the designer of the winning t-shirt with a lifetime royalty of 5% on the products sold with their design.

8. Winner Announcement:

The winner will be announced on our website and notified via email if/when we chose to include their design on the site. Additionally, we will showcase the winning design on our social media platforms to celebrate your talent and creativity.

Note: By participating in this contest, you agree to grant us a non-exclusive license to use your design for promotional purposes, including but not limited to producing and selling t-shirts featuring your design on the Geeks'n'Gears website. Selected winners will be contacted prior to comercialize their designs and they can accept or refuse the offer. We will never use your art without your concent.

We can't wait to see your innovative and inspiring bicycle-themed t-shirt designs! Join the Pedal-Powered Creativity Design Contest today, and let your artistry shine through the wheels of your imagination. Good luck!